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Nicaea |
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![]() | Nicaea: Polutonikh grammatoseira gia to Palm Pilot. Ekdosh 1.0: 2001-02-27. Nikos Nikolaou, opoudjis [AT] optusnet . com . au Fortwsh |
To logismiko auto diatiqetai kai sto:
H Nicaea einai polutonikh grammatoseira gia to Palm Pilot, pou xrhsimopoiei thn antistoixia xarakthrwn twn GreekKeys --- ws thn pio diadedomenh antistoixia gia polutonikes grammatoseires twn 8 mpit se Macintosh kai PC. Mexri na kataftasoun sto Palm Pilot oloklhres grammatoseires Unicode, me megeqos toulaxiston 2 MB (!), h grammatoseira auth apotelei proswrino metro wste na mporeite na diabazete polutonika ellhnika stou upologisth palamhs sas.
H Nicaea basizetai sth NiceFont (pou dianemetai sto paketo Cool Fonts apo thn Ealoha Designs), alla einai kapws strogguloterh.
Isxuoun oi kanonikes diadikasies gia na egkatasthsete th grammatoseira: qa xreiasteite kati analogo tou Hackmaster kai tou FontHack123 gia na mporeite na prospelasete th grammatoseira sthn efarmogh sas. Opws panta, to Hackmaster kai to FontHack anakateuontai me to susthma tou Palm sas, kai prepei na ta xrhsimoipeite me th deousa prosoxh.
O eukoloteros tropos na xrhsimopoihsete th grammatoseira einai na thn tautisete se anagnwsth DOC me grammatoseira pou xrhsimopoieite spania (fer' eipein, Megalo Hmimauro), me to FontHack. Mporeite tote na diabasete me authn th grammatoseira keimena DOC pou exoun dhmiourghqei apo arxika keimena me antistoixia GreekKeys.
H grammatoseira (anapofeukta alla kai atakta) xrhsimopoiei xarakthres sthn perioxh
, ektos tou Latin-1·
gi' auto den qa mporeite na eisajete olous tous xarakthres sto
Pilotaki me thn efarmogh Plhktrologio (sugkekrimena, ta alfa me
diakritika stoixeia kai ta anejarthta diakritika.) Gia thn wra den
einai efikto na daktulografhsete polutonika ellhnika sto Palm·
qa xreiasteite ellhnikh prosarmogh tou Palm
(opws to Greek
PiLoc), gia na daktulografeite monotonika ellhnika.
Af' otou h Nicaea ejapoluqhke se ena koino anupoyiasto, o Michael Neuhold exei skarfistei tis dikes tou polutonikes grammatoseires me antistoixia GreekKeys (Helbetike, Brittanike), kai o Joseph Park exei ftiajei thn Cilicia· kai oi duo einai grammatoseires uyhlhs leptomereias oqonhs (320 x 320), pou isws na protimhsete.
Fusika, twra pou exete thn polutonikh grammatoseira sas, xreiazeste kai kati pou na diabazete me th grammatoseira. Epeidh uparxei sxetikh elleiyh polutonikwn hlektronikwn keimenwn ektos kopuraüt, me opoiadhpote antistoixia xarakthrwn, to na breite keimeno den einai entelws eukolo. Kai otan apokthsete to keimeno, prepei na to metatreyete apo thn arxikh tou antistoixia sto GreekKeys, an den einai hdh s' authn thn morfh. (Uparxoun metatropeis ston Isto: tou Sean Redmond (mesw Istou), tou Chris Blackwell's (Mac), tou Michael Neuhold (Java), tou Hugh Cayless (Java).)
An eiste sto MacOSX, prepei na apoqhkeusete to keimeno sas se kwdikopoihsh Western (MacOS Roman), kai oxi UTF-8 h Latin-1: h antistoixia GreekKeys prohghqhke ths normas, ara to na xrhsimopoeite kanonikes kwdikopoihseis den qa sas bohqhsei. Apo tous trexontes metatropeis se Palm DOC, mono h Pordible mou exei anaferqei pws leitourgei epituxws me keimena se GreekKeys· h Dropbook kai h MakeDocDD den douleuoun. Sto PC, na apofeugete thn Palmdoc· h QEX leitourgei kala. To problhma sthn kaqe periptwsh einai pws epiballetai na xrhsimopoieite antistoixia xarakthrwn pou den antapokrinetai pleon stis normes· qa xreiasteite loipon na peiramatisteite me diaforous metatropeis keimenwn.
Koinopoiw edw osa tetoia keimena gnwrizw. An kai otan prolambanw na metatrepw eleuqera ellhnika keimena, qa ta dhmosieuw edw. An exete metratreyei hdh eseis, euxaristws na sas diasundesw.
Gia thn wra, koinopoiw ws epideijh:
῾Η γέννησίς σου Χριστὲ ὁ Θεὸς ἡμῶν
ἀνέτειλε τῷ κόσμῳ τὸ φῶς τὸ τῆς Γνώσεως.
᾿Εν αὐτῂ γὰρ οἱ τοὺς ἀστέρας λατρεύοντες
ὑπὸ ἀστέρος ἐδιδάσκοντο
Σὲ προσκυνεῖν, τὸν ῞Ηλιον τῆς δικαιοσύνης,
καὶ Σὲ γιγνώσκειν ἐξ ὕψους ᾿Ανατολήν.
Κύριε, δόξα σοι.
Euxaristw tous Adelheid van Coillie, Wim van den Groenendaal, Joseph Sungchun Park gia tis upodeijeis tous.
Νίκος Νικολάου,
opoudjis [AT] optusnet . com . au Δημιουργία: 2001-02-27· Ύστατη τροποποίηση: 2004-08-22 URL: http://www.opoudjis.net/dist/nicaea.html